Captain America 2 CGC 6.0 FN Timely 1941 Classic WWII Hitler Cover

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Captain America 2 CGC 60 FN Timely 1941 Classic WWII Hitler Cover
Auction Details:
Code ID
Ebay Item #
Sold Price
Auction End date
21 Aug 2013
Seller Location
West Henrietta, New York

Item Description

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Captain America CGC .0 FN Timely Classic WWII Hitler Cover
In this auction you are bidding on Captain America CGC .0 with Cream to Off white pages nbsp published by Timely in . nbsp This issue features a classic Hitler / bondage cover. nbsp Hard to find and highly desirable in mid to high grade nbsp nbsp

CGC serial 0 0 00

nbsp Please make sure to view our other listings this week for many other gold, silver, bronze age comics. nbsp Also make sure to look back next week, when we will have invoices full of Gold, Silver, Bronze age books coming back from CGC