Amazing Spider-Man #700 Ditko cover, CGC 9.8 Signed on Stan Lee 90th Birthday

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Amazing SpiderMan 700 Ditko cover CGC 98 Signed on Stan Lee 90th Birthday
Auction Details:
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Auction End date
05 Dec 2014
Seller Location
Long Island City, New York

Item Description

Amazing Spider-Man 00 Ditko cover, CGC . - Signed on Stan Lee 0th BirthdayThis is absolutely a rare find. You don t see these popping up on eBay all the time.About the issueThis is a variant of the last issue of the Amazing Spider-Man featuring the death of Peter Parker. The cover, by Steve Ditko, was unused art from the first appearance of Spider-Man in Amazing Fantasy . This had been reprinted previously e.g. within Marvel Tales , however, this is the first time it had been used for a cover since it was created, 0 years before the production of ASM 00 nbsp On Stan Lee s 0th birthday December , 0 around copies of the variant issue were signed by Stan Lee and graded on the Signature Series programme, which resulted in copies graded at . and 0 grading lower these were submitted on two separate CGC invoices: the first with a number of other variants of 00 the second with 0 copies of the Ditko variant . Normally this would not be particularly significant, however, CGC decided to give these comics special commemorative label text:- nbsp
Item will be securely packaged and shipped to verified addresses only via USPS Priority Mail Domestic and USPS Express Mail International . nbsp International buyers are responsible for all local and import taxes.